Join us on May 3rd, 2025 for our 10th annual Sprint 2 Spring race!
8AM Start Time!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Level ($1,250)
Exclusivity as only platinum sponsor
Table at the race event to promote your company
Company recognition in large print on the back of every T-shirt
Company logo exclusively on back of promotional tote bags (given to every participant)
Company recognition as a “platinum sponsor” at event
Company logo listed on event website with link to your website
Social media recognition post
Company recognition on sponsorship event banner
5 Free Race Entries (includes T-shirts)
Participant packet open for promo items/marketing materials from your company
Gold Level ($500)
Table at the race event to promote your company
Company recognition on the back of every T-shirt
Company recognition as a “gold sponsor” at event
Company logo listed on event website with link to your website
Social media shout out
Company recognition on sponsorship event banner
3 Free Race Entries (includes t-shirts)
Participant packet open for promo items/marketing materials from your company
Silver Level ($250)
Company recognition on the back of every T-shirt
Company name or logo listed on event website with link to your website
Company recognition on sponsorship event banner
1 Free Race Entry (includes T-shirt)
Participant packet open for promo items/marketing materials from your company
Bronze Level ($100)
Company name or logo listed on the event website
Participant packet open for promo items/marketing materials from your company
In-Kind Donations​
As a non-profit fundraiser, this event relies on in-kind donations from the community to make it successful. If your company is interested in donating food, products or services for this event please contact Sarah Tyrrell at (630) 483-5665 or health@hanover-township.org
Contributing organizations will be recognized on the event website.
Food donations will be recognized on social media via images from the event.