Join us in May 2025 for our 10th annual race!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Level ($1000)
Exclusivity as only platinum sponsor
Table at the event to promote your company
Company name in extra-large print on the back of every T-shirt
Company name/logo exclusively on back of promotional tote bags (given to every participant)
Company recognition as a “platinum sponsor” at event
Company name/logo listed on 5K event website with link to your website
Company name listed on sponsorship event banner
5 Race Entries and 5 Event T-shirts
Participant packet open for promo item/marketing materials from your company
Gold Level ($500)
Table at the event to promote your company
Company name in large print on the back of every T-shirt
Company recognition as a “gold sponsor” at event
Company name/logo listed on 5K event website with link to your website
Company name listed on sponsorship event banner
3 Race Entries and 3 Event T-shirts
Participant packet open for promo item/marketing materials from your company
Silver Level ($250)
Company name listed on the back of every T-shirt
Company name or logo listed on event website with link to your website
Company name listed on sponsorship event banner
1 Race Entry and 1 Event T-shirt
Participant packet open for promo item/marketing materials from your company
Bronze Level ($100)
Company name or logo listed on the event website
Participant packet open for promo item/marketing materials from your company
In-Kind Donations
Every year we are in need of food donations such as bagels, bananas, granola bars, and water to provide participants. If your company is interested in donating food, products or services please contact Sarah Tyrrell at (630) 483-5665 or
Your company will receive recognition on the event website and participant packet