Join us on May 3rd, 2025 for our 10th annual Sprint 2 Spring race!
8AM Start Time!
Race Info
Race Date
Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 8:00AM
(Check-in begins at 6:30AM)
Race Location
Hanover Township
Izaak Walton Youth Center
899 Jay Street
Elgin, IL 60120
Packet Pick-Up Options
*Packet will include event information, electronic tracking bib number, and race t-shirt.
Location: Hanover Township Izaak Walton Youth Center
899 Jay Street
Elgin, IL 60120
Friday, May 2 – 8:30AM to 4:30PM
Saturday, May 3 – 6:30AM to 7:45AM
Parking will be at Elgin High School (1200 Maroon Drive, Elgin).
Specific instructions on parking and shuttles will be released soon.
Same-Day Race Registration
Day-of-race registration will take place from 6:30AM to 7:45AM. You may register on the day of the race at the event registration table.
*Please note that race registration fees are higher the morning of the race and discount codes are ineligible for same-day registration.
Race start time is set for 8:00AM. Runners will be expected to line up by 7:55AM.
All participants that register by Monday, April 7th will be guaranteed a wicking-wear race t-shirt to wear during the event.
Race Day Agenda
6:30AM: Participant Arrival/Check-In
*Visit our sponsor tables for some info and goodies!
7:50AM: Participants head to starting line
7:55AM: Participants must be lined up
8:00AM: Race START
8:30AM: Post-race snacks & refreshments begin
~9:30AM: Medal Ceremony (when last person crosses the finish)
~11:00AM: Event End
Medal Ceremony
Don't sprint for your car after you finish the race! Stick around to see if you placed for a medal!
The Sprint 2 Spring Medal Ceremony awards medals to the top 3 male and female finishers in their age category. The Overall finishers of the entire race will also be awarded. The Medal Ceremony begins when the last participant crosses the finish line.